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After our time on the Reservation in 2011 our burden for the Navajo people became a calling and we surrendered to be missionaries. We spent a short time raising support and moved to SW Colorado in May 2012. Since that time our lives have been full and busy. When we first arrived on the Navajo Reservation we worked along side of a veteran missionary that we had met during mission trips. During our year with them we learned some of the Navajo Culture, and were able to teach in children’s class and fill in the pulpit as needed.
After that first year, we knew that the Lord was moving us to minister in other areas of the reservation. The Reservation is the size of West Virginia and only has 30 established Baptist Churches. We took time to pray and visit several areas until we came to Montezuma Creek Baptist Church. This church family had recently lost their pastor and was very small in number. We joined them in ministering to the children in the area. We began a bus ministry, Children’s Church, and regular outreach opportunities. After spending six months working with them they asked Bro Andy to be their pastor. Over the next three years, we would see the church grow numerically, and spiritually.
We were able to train a native man to pastor the church and in 2016 we began to seek where God would have us serve next. We then began again to visit different areas and pray for our next ministry opportunity on the Navajo Indian Reservation. It came in an unexpected way as Mexican Water Baptist Church was seeking for a pastor and had visited with us to consider accepting their call. The two weeks that we agreed to spend with Mexican Water Baptist Church has turned into five years. Over the past five years we have seen the church grow, we have began a bus ministry and children’s program. We have hosted regular community outreach, and even went through Covid together. It has been a time of learning and growing for all of us, and we are thankful that the Lord has allowed us to be part of the lives of so many wonderful people.
As we look forward to continuing to serve on the Navajo Indian Reservation, we know God’s vision to share the gospel message is limitless and we are thankful to be part of that. We now host mission groups every summer to conduct children’s VBS, outreach, and building projects.
Please come and visit with us on the mission field here in the United States. This will be a life-changing mission trip for your youth group or family.

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The Navajo Reservation
Missions 2022
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