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Our Story
What We're All About
Our Invitation
It is our prayer and desire to share the mission work that the Lord has called us to with others. Whether you are interested in bringing your family or your youth group on a mission trip to the Navajo Nation or you want to join one of the men’s hunting opportunities we know that your trip will be a memory of a lifetime.
Our Mission
The heartbeat of our family is to share the Lord through our daily lives. Whether it’s a summer mission trip, a fall big game hunt, a Sunday service, or a weekday meeting; we pray that our love for the Lord will be evident in everything we do. Every acceptance of our ministry is to share the gift of Salvation with those around us. We are thankful the Lord has chosen us to share this gift of salvation in the Navajo Nation and through outdoor opportunities.
Our Need
As we look at our ability to fulfill the role that God has called us to we know that we cannot do it alone. We need partners from churches, families, and men and women like you. Please consider adding Lahmann Family Ministry to your prayer list, and if the Lord burdens your heart we could also use your pledge towards monthly support. After ten years of serving as a bi-vocational missionary, it is Bro. Andy’s burden is to be full-time in ministry. Serving the Lord as missionaries is only possible through the support of others. We appreciate your time and prayerful consideration. Visit our partner with us page to learn more.
A Letter of Recomendation
It is my pleasure to recommend the Lahmann family to you whether it is for the ministry or for the great outdoors. I have been privileged to enjoy being alongside their family “on” the field. The Mexican Water Baptist Church is a needed ministry to reach the Navajo people. It was my privilege to preach and fellowship with the members of their church. Andy and Danyell have faithfully given of themselves to see others saved and discipled.
I have also been privileged to spend time on multiple occasions with Andy “in” the field. His knowledge of the terrain, preparation for the hunt, and love for the sport are a challenge to any skilled hunter. He guided us through the process of acquiring tags, the archery draw permits, and even helped secure special permitting for Colorado State Parks. The comradery with a Christian friend while chasing the cry of a bugling elk is something every hunter should experience. Whether it is camping on the ledge of a mountain, backpacking through the Rockies, or closing in on the herd bull, Brother Lahmann will test your dedication to the hunt while you make memories to last a lifetime.
I am extremely grateful for the hospitality in their home and ministry. It is a highlight of my calendar to head West – I am certain you will not regret the adventure that awaits you!
Cory W. Knepshield
Pastor, Clearview Baptist Church
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